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5 Ways To Streamline Nonprofit Project Management in Instil

Written by Gabby Weiss | Mar 31, 2022 2:12:58 PM

Whether you’re a team of one or leading a large department at your nonprofit, project management is a crucial element of running effective programs and maintaining relationships with your community. With Task Management, Instil’s newest feature, it is now easier than ever to keep track of open items on your own or your team’s to-do list, ensuring you stay on track for every deadline. Here are five ways you can use Task Management to manage your workload and foster strong connections with your donors, members, and volunteers:

1. Never forget to follow up with a donor

Whether you’ve promised to send along additional information about a program’s impact or simply plan to send a thank you note after a conversation, follow-up communication can make all the difference for your donor relationships. While balancing multiple conversations and relationships, however, those follow-up items can easily fall through the cracks without a reliable task management system. Instil’s mobile-first interface makes it especially easy to record a new task on a constituent’s record right away, and assign it to yourself or delegate to another team member. View your personal assigned task list within Instil and check items off as they are complicated to ensure that every follow-up happens in a timely manner.

2. Track grant application and reporting deadlines

For organizations managing grants and funder relationships in Instil, Task Management makes it easy to stay on top of deadlines for submitting applications or providing reports and updates to your funders. Simply record any important deadlines associated with each grant as new tasks and assign them to your Grants Manager. Daily reminder emails will start ten days before an item’s due date to ensure that your team is prepared to meet every deadline.

3. Coordinate board involvement and outreach

Is your board helping with fundraising, relationship cultivation, event planning, or other projects? Instil’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for board members to use alongside your team, and Task Management helps you track any activities your board members have been assigned, and when they have been completed. An email notification will alert the user that a task has been assigned to them, and send automated reminders as the deadline approaches for open tasks.

4. Manage and cultivate volunteers

Developing volunteer leadership is an extremely effective way of increasing your organization’s capacity, but it takes intentional cultivation of relationships with your volunteers. Using Task Management to note volunteers that you’ve talked to and want to follow-up with, or simply to manage the details of planning your next event helps provide the personalized volunteer experiences that encourage your supporters to move through the ladder of engagement.

5. Always send reports on time

While some tasks, such as follow-up communication, may be associated with specific constituents, you can also use task management simply for internal project coordination. For instance, assigning reporting tasks to yourself or your team can help you keep track of your reporting schedules and always remember to send updates when your board and donors are expecting them.

At your nonprofit, is project management a priority, or perhaps a pain point? Get in touch with us to learn more about how Instil’s platform can help manage the ins and outs of building strong relationships with your community.